My problem with aps-c cameras
Many people have compared the sensor sizes and what it means before. I don’t think I need to rehash that. I do believe that the sensor size doesn’t affect image quality. It hasn’t for a very long time. The quality …
Many people have compared the sensor sizes and what it means before. I don’t think I need to rehash that. I do believe that the sensor size doesn’t affect image quality. It hasn’t for a very long time. The quality …
I’ve recently got back into photography after a 15 year hiatus. I left right when digital photography had taken over and started to hit its stride. This was 2008/2009. Most people didn’t have smart phones yet. The smart phones that …
Intro to utilizing older camera equipment with great results Read more »
GAS, or gear acquisition syndrome. Most of us are guilty of it. We read articles and watch videos about a camera or piece of photography gear, and we lust after it, sometimes more than actually using it. Not all GAS …
Every camera shopper has probably done this at some point. We all look at the specifications and are subject to the marketing geniuses at the camera manufacturers. XYZ feature is necessary to capture that image. The marketing of the camera …
Choose a camera for it’s shooting experience, not specs. Read more »